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I've been going through it
For year's my confidence has been low. Lately I haven't been feeling myself. I haven't been feeling much at all. But anger and sadness! My everyday routine has become so old. I feel like im all used and damaged. I cry at the slightest inconvenience im in. Just been trying to keep it together really. I feel like my lover doesn't want me because I dont want me. I feel like he doesn't love me because I don't love me. Well I love me but not strong enough. Everyone has been proving me time after time why I can't trust them. I've been let down by so many. I dont ask for nothing and still get disappointed. Im losing my faith in all aspects of my life. It's hard to be strong but its harder to be strong while so weak. I want to stand over this man and cum my heart out. Im stressed and presser is only getting worse. Send help
Damn, my coment was too long. Avoid that error. Just live your life taking care of your plant, your dor or cat, whatever you prefer (both will always love you if you take care of them) and yourself. And seek professional help. I know it can be expensive, but even if tht means having to do without some things, I recommend you that seeking that help should be your number 1 priority. Seriously, is like day and night.
Hey Erycah, how are you doing? It's been a month since you wrote this and I'm sad for not conecting more often. I hope you see this. That thing you have is a depression, and is perfectly possible to get over it. Won't be easy, but is it possible. Only a professional knowing your situation can give you true help, but as someone who has seen depression from closer that I would have liked, I can give you some general advice. Independence is king. Some people look for someone to take care of them: a
I'm definitely here for you I understand how it feels but just keep your head up stay positive and you are deserving of Love especially from yourself take the time you need to focus on your Mental Health I definitely keep you in my prayers