WHY DOES PORNOGRAPHY CREATE AN ADDICTION? Valerie Voon, a medical doctor who researched the brains of people with addictions, said, "The brains of compulsive porn users look like the brains of watching an alcohol advertisement." The cause is the pleasure hormone dopamine, which floods our brains when we watch pornography. However, after a while, the consumer's brain adapts to the high dopamine level and puts some of its chemical receptors to so that it is not saturated, so the "ecstasy" is less intense. "Consequently, most consumers of pornography always need it more, more often, or have to find a more extreme form, or all at the same time, to produce a higher dose of dopamine, to feel arousal ... Try to ending this habit can lead to withdrawal; its exactly the same phenomenon youve seen in people who use drugs. " Unfortunately, this means that you are less appreciative of other things in your life that made you happy, such as friends, sports, food, or love, which causes anxiety and depression in people addicted to pornography.