Everyone knows you suck bih soppy dick and love it that pearly white cum and jazz all ova yah modda fcking face! Too bad yo I can’t have sex cuz you love big black cock with pearly white cum every day especially on Monday mornings every day it’s hunger is amazing those big black cocks with pearly white cum each day I’m eager to know their size and shape
I banged your girl yah feg! She wants you to lick her coochir! Why Tienin Cooneknee shitten on my rig? Yeah don’t my parents wish they made me ! How fcking retarded could people be? Though are not worthy of making the human soul! All souls are made in soouel Korea!
How dare you steal and shame my name, your sins will not be forgotten, but rather forgiven if you are to do the right thing and fix the shame you have led upon me.
have two daughters, virgins both of them, let me bring them to you and you do what you like with them. But do nothing to these men because they have come under the shelter of my roof.