Ajay crite
Ajay crite

Ajay crite

简介 Ajay crite
I'm new to this type of world. I've been very conservative of my sexual experiences and of my body all my life. I wanted to put myself out there. I've been a mother since . So I didn't get to have my wild and crazy days!! I'm a mother and now a Nana so its my time to experiment and have some fun and get a little crazy!! I enjoy sex a little more then others I've met. I'm a very touchy Feely kinda person. Love to be loved and love to be touched!! I'm going to have some fun and figured why not share it with the world. Plan to have new content daily for the moment, then at least a couple times a week. Yall make sure to subscribe so you can go on this journey with me!! Don't forget to hit like ❤ and leave me a comment on the ones you love!! The more you comment and like them the more I'll try to get new stuff added for you guys!! 🥰😊😘 Always open for suggestions!! Send me a pm. 😘😘😘
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男性
性别: 女性
身高: 5' 7" (170cm)
体重: 145lbs. (66kg)
种族: White
发色: Brunette
是否有穿环: Yes
兴趣爱好: Sex is the obvious answer lol. I'm a nature kind of girl, I love camping,hiking,boating,swimming,you name it. My favorite thing is fishing * I can out fish them all*. I love to work with my hands. Build stuff, restore furniture, make things that are ugly into something beautiful. Have you ever been bent over a fresh cut log in the middle of millions of trees and experienced pure ecstasy?? Or been laid down in the middle of the woods surrounded by pure nature and had your way with someone until you both erupt? Screamed as loud as you wanted, was as vocal as you wanted with no concern??? I have and I can tell you it's magical!!
会勾起我性欲的是: A man playing a guitar has always been my weakness!! Light kisses down the right side of my neck while also slowly knibbling on my ear gets me extremely wet extremely fast! Kisses down my sides again especially my right side with have the same effect!! No lube needed lol 🤣😂🥰 oh and when a man puts me up against anything with force and grabs me by my neck (instantly gets me off every time.) Giving a BJ also gets me all hot and bothered just as much as it does him 🥰
会浇灭我性欲的是: Guys that want to have a good fuck but get off on not letting the girl get off. Someone that doesn't seem to care that he or she is hurting the other or doesn't care how he or she is making the other feel. Both should be experiencing extreme ecstasy!! 2 way street people!!!
视频播放量: 316
主页浏览量: 2,425
已看视频: 77


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Pick-up line contest!!

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Video coming soon!

About to upload the best blow job video I have ever seen or done. Make sure to come by and check it out!
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