Braden Rush
Braden Rush

Braden Rush

简介 Braden Rush
I am a horny, curious, willing and wild eyed guy. I embrace my sexuality. I am always looking for the next opportunity for someone to connect with these eyes and fuck and fantasize, whatever it may be. I am a I also speak Swedish and French. I am a very sexual man and so are all men. I also happen to speak Spanish, German and English fluently. I love language......but not as much I love my dick and our adventures
感情状态: 单身
喜欢: 男性
城市和国家: Fort Lauderdale, United States
性别: 男性
出身地: United States of America
鸡巴尺寸: 7-9"
身高: 5' 11" (180cm)
体重: 165lbs. (75kg)
种族: Other
发色: Brunette
包皮: Cut
面部毛发: No
纹身: No
是否有穿环: No
出生地: Atlanta
兴趣爱好: It feels so good to make someone feel good, tell them they look nice or thank them for a good job. I find negative and frustrated people to be in need of prayer, Hurt people hurt people. Gratitude, humility and open-mindedness are qualities that I believe lend themselves to a full and peaceful life.
会勾起我性欲的是: straight guys who are confident in themselves and can fuck around with dudes sometimes and be cool with it, I mean all men do it, so acceptance with this is key. watching hot men fuck hot women. When a man knows hot to take it and dominate me, and I respond. Double Penetration is one of the most amazing experience, yeah, those things and a connection, or audience, or camera,....that is just a hint of what turns me on
会浇灭我性欲的是: whiney guys, screeching women, over moaning porn actors, people who ask too many questions on hook up sites, selfish lovers, guys who set expectations, "do this, send another dick pic, I am gonna..." fuck that.
视频播放量: 125,168
主页浏览量: 24,982
已看视频: 307


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