

简介 Peacexoxolol
My boyfriend and I ended up together by surprise. I was with a shitty ex and I wanted him so bad. We ended up meeting to smoke but was too shy to fuck. Finally one night when he made the room red with his leds. I let him touch my breast and I just couldn’t resist. Even though he was basically a virgin he knew exactly how to touch me. I just couldn’t resist to let him shove his dick in me. He made me break up with my ex and choose to let me take his cock on rides the rest of my life. Turns out he’s a freak like me and loves to dominate me like the whore I am. Subscribe! Daddy’s said he would let me post content and photos if I reach 2K subs. If you wanna see me get railed by him sub and like my posts. I’m a 21F. I have a lot of tats and facial piercings and pink hair. I’m such a little whore and I love it when my daddy fucks me so hard I beg him to stop. Hope you sub so I can show you!
感情状态: 非单身
喜欢: 男女通吃
城市和国家: Kentucky, United States
性别: 女性
兴趣爱好: Videos games, anime, bdsm, bondage, pet play
会勾起我性欲的是: Daddy!, rough, Bdsm, dirty talk, role play
会浇灭我性欲的是: Body Oder, hairy, vanilla
主页浏览量: 10,948
已看视频: 34

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Peacexoxolol 暂还没有任何视频。



Tried to gift daddy for his birthday but he gifted me instead

Tonight we got alittle to drink and daddy said he wanted to fuck me tonight. We smoked alittle and then decided to drink on some rum. Daddy loves it when I drink with him. He says it’s so cute when I try to keep up. Well I had finished my 2nd drink and he pulled out his dick and started rubbing it. I’m a good li***e g**l though so I waited as long as I could to touch it but eventually my pussy got the best of me and I started lightly rubbing it. I wanted to tease him. I know daddy loves that. So I bent over his legs and put my soaked pussy the in his face. As he stroked his cock he started rubbing my pussy. My privates were throbbing and I finally couldn’t wait anymore. I pulled myself on top of him and he fo***d his huge dick inside me. I started bouncing up and down so hard the bed shook. I bet our neighbors heard it. Then I pulled myself off of him and put my face in the pillow. My ass was straight up in the air. He got up on his knees and slammed his dick so far into my cunt I screamed out “Daddy!” Before giving into him. He thrusted so hard and so fast. I could feel my cum running down my legs. Daddy finished on my ass and the laughed and shoved his fingers inside me. He wasn’t gonna let me go that easily. He grabbed my vibrator and turned it on. My legs shook with ***n. He pushed it into me and I moaned out. He was thrusting it in me so hard I could hear the batteries in my toy shake. I cum repeatedly and it won’t stop. “Daddy!” I screamed. He wouldn’t stop. After another 20 mins of him torturing me I started to beg him to stop. Daddy kept going and I went limp. My body hit the bed and he pulled it out. He called me a whore. Which just made more cum come out of my pussy. I love my daddy so much. His dick is so big and he always makes sure I get off. If only u could see him in action. Check out my favorite porn videos to see the video I watched as he fo***d my dildo in me. Hehe
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