

简介 StellazLuva
Thanks so much for stopping by our page! We are a married couple who are exploring our sexual/sensual sides by producing content for y'all to view and hopefully enjoy! We love hearing your comments and suggestions on our videos, photos and playlists. We do live for those “thumb ups” as well and we're adult enough to take constructive criticism if and when it is dished out. The problem is that most people will give a “thumbs down” and move on without voicing what it was they didn't enjoy or like. Oh well, you can't please everyone! I would love to find a lady to do some camming with. I was fortunate enough to have the experience once and it left me hungry and wanting more!! We're “real” people not “fake” in any way, shape or form. We're a couple from the Heartland of the United States and lead “normal” lives outside of here. We really want to live life to the fullest each and every day without any regrets for what we should've or could've done. Come seize the day with us!! Stay hungry and horny!!
感情状态: 非单身
喜欢: 女性
城市和国家: NE Ohio, United States
性别: 情侣
出身地: United States of America
三围: 44-46-48
身高: 5' 8" (172cm)
种族: White
发色: Red
纹身: Yes
是否有穿环: Yes
出生地: Painesvile
兴趣爱好: I love good music! My listening range is really varied.I Iike everything from ACDC to Chopin. There is no better masturbation music than some Rob Zombie or White Zombie! That driving bass beat really gets my juices flowing and makes my pussy nice and wet! I thoroughly enjoy outside exhibitionism and love playing with myself in the car, while the hubby is driving, catching drivers break their necks trying to see if they really did see what they think they saw! lol My driver is quite accomplished and always leaves himself an "out" so there is never any worries. Only problem is the poor guy that just ran that red light. Haha
会勾起我性欲的是: Horny chicks playing with themselves, watching myself suck cock (OMG that is a major turn on for me!!) I really get off on teasing the camera! He really benefits from all the sucking and teasing too! We don't get very long videos tho, sadly. He tends to lose concentration for some reason. We've learned to use the tripod and wall mounted cams! Never hurts to have 4 or 6 different viewing angles which are all portable!! My extensive sex toy collection, my fuck machine, my sex sling and my sex swing. My extensive lingerie and hoisery collection. My titties turn me on too. They do tricks. I swear. I know, I'll have to show ya so that you'll believe me!
会浇灭我性欲的是: Mean people, liars and thieves! Can't stand bad people who do bad things! Not alot of stuff turns me off. As long as you are a decent human being, I have no problem at all with you.
视频播放量: 22,586
主页浏览量: 9,331
已看视频: 596


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