Got in a car wreck, posted some pics so you guys could see. There was a bicyclist, joyriding, cruising between both lanes on a main road. He had no reflectors, no lights, was wearing all dark clothes, and the street light was out. I didnt see him until I was literally about to hit him. I was going 50 mph (the speed limit was 45). I swerved to avoid him and because of my speed I lost complete control of the car, it was basically driving itself. It drove up on the sidewalk and was headed straight towards a cement pole. Luckily, I ended up clipping the pole If I wouldve been a couple inches over I wouldve hit the pole head on at 50 mph. After clipping the pole, I took down a tree, hit another tree head on and that one stopped me. I didnt have collision coverage with insurance so Im screwed. Passenger window busted, windshield cracked, passenger side of the car is destroyed from the pole, both doors barley open and have to be kicked hard to close. Headlight and front of the car are fucked, cant open the hood to see what happened in there. Scariest thing Ive ever been through, cant believe I almost lost my life in an instant. To top it off, the bicyclist didnt even stop after I fucked up my car and almost died because I had to save his life for him being an idiot. Everyone be careful driving and if youre a bicyclist and theres no bike lane, get on the sidewalk and make sure you have lights / reflectors or at least wear bright clothing. Im going through a really hard time, to help me out watch my or email me for private show or custom video! [email protected]