Cliche, I, drugs and rock n roll...also porn...lots of that.
MST3K, Stranger Things, G.O.T....Beavis and Butthead.
Punk/Metal. Some favorites are...AFI, Misfits/Danzig, Wednesday 13, Tiger Army, Iron Maiden, GWAR (r.i.p. Oderus), Iced Earth, Macabre... etc.
Most things about a woman turn me on. I'm not particular about breast size, weight, color or height...but a nice thick ass will get me going for sure. Age isn't really an issue, but I definitely find myself attracted to older women. Facefucking is also an enjoyment of mine... especially when she's lying on her back with head tilted backwards. The feeling and bulge of my cock in a throat is just so satisfying... not to meantion the sounds of gagging and slobbering.
Not many... lack of personality, obviously. I can find something attractive about almost anyone