Socially I'm outspoken and energetic. I am in many ways a loner but I love interaction. I'm one of those people with 5 best friends who I'd die for, 50 close friends who I love like family, and 500 great friends who I always welcome with a smile and a hug. People either love me or are wary of me. Some people call me confident, some call me honest, my friends know not to try and describe me, they just call me Nick. Emotionally I'm open and honest. I don't hide or sugar-coat my feelings. I love being excited, sad, smitten, euphoric, anxious or embarrassed. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. At the same time I'm not afraid to say I'm sorry. Intellectually I'm versatile. I can expound on literature, history, and math for days but feel equally comfortable discussing sports, vice, and the weather. Think Glen Livet and Bud Light, The Royal Tennenbaums and Dazed and Confused, and of course Outkast and Outkast. It really doesn't matter what height (or depth) of brow someone rests at as long as they are interesting o
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