Fucking on party favors, critiquing porn with cool people. watching in school girl outfits or cheerleading. Black chicks on white dick, big asses, lil asses, and petite girls and sometimes and step dad, step daughter or her friends or both (fuckin A)
Movies: Boondock Saints, The illusionist, Run Ronnie Run, Goodwill hunting. and more recently, if you havent see Rock The Kasbah with Bill Murray your missing out on a classic...fuck the reviews
Rick and Morty, Last week tonight with John Oliver. Vice on HBO, Weed and science docs. Cat docs.
Awolnation, Lindsey sterling. Calven Harris, Avicci & Lenny K. with Superlove....you know that kind a raver
I dont read books, but of the few i have id say "A Dirty Job by Chris Moore", and Graphic novels like firefly
Schoolgirls and Teachers, Cheerleaders, Babysitters, Step-daughters, Glasses, Braces, College Co-ed and Professor, Black chicks on a white guy, Russian Teens. MMF on a innocent looking girl.
I like em cute with that flare, it takes more than a pair of big tits, i need a lil story and all ways costumes or few clothes on like socks and skirts. I like the girls who can act the part too.
Cops, black cock, porn with no outfits, or if they do have an outfit they end up taking it all off quickly ruining the point, I fucking hate that. dope whore looking girls, grossly skinny or fat and nasty titties. OH AND WHEN THEY DONT DO DOGGYSTYLE CORRECTLY! WHATS THIS PUT YOUR LEG UP [GUY] AND SHOW YOU TAINT TO THE WORLD RUINING THE SHOT THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT FROM THE SIDE ANGLE....SHEESH