. Go read this. . Visa and Mastercard will stop processing payments on Pornhub following that found unlawful content on the site. that Mastercard will end support for Pornhub after confirming the presence of unlawful content. Visa said its own investigation is ongoing, but it will suspend payment processing for the time being. The decisions come as Pornhub is making substantial changes to how it moderates content. . Today, the use of our cards at Pornhub is being terminated. Our investigation over the past several days has confirmed of our standards prohibiting unlawful content on their site, Mastercard spokesperson Seth Eisen tells The Verge . As a result, and in accordance with our policies, we instructed the financial institutions that connect the site to our network to terminate acceptance. In addition, we continue to investigate potential content on other websites to take the appropriate action. Pornhub finds the cutoffs exceptionally disappointing, as they come just two days after Pornhub instituted the most farreaching safeguards in usergenerated platform history, a spokesperson tells The Verge . This news is crushing for the hundreds of thousands of models who rely on our platform for their livelihoods. . . . . Pornhub came under fire after**etraffic***g.html finding nonconsen***l pornography, recordings of ass***t, and videos of unde***e girls on the site. The company called claims that it allows c***d sexual a***e material irresponsible and flagrantly untrue. Soon after, however, Pornhub***da***e by unidentified users and blocked downloading videos from the site. . Payment processing giants Visa and Mastercard confirmed earlier this week that they were conducting independent investigations of Pornhub content. When we identify activity, our policy is to ask the acquirer to terminate the relationship, unless an effective compliance plan is put in place, Mastercard . Visa said that it was actively engaging with the relevant financial institutions, as well as Pornhubs parent company MindGeek. Now, both companies have taken action. Update December 10th, 5:45PM ET: Visa has now suspended Pornhub, too. This story has been updated to reflect the announcement, and a statement from Pornhub has been added. .