解锁了一个新成就:"8 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"7 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"6 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"5 year old account"
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解锁了一个新成就:"4 year old account"
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Old friends for sale

Sad but true. Old friends for sale. I have had to let go and move on. I don't know if we could ever be back the way it was. I keep my distance and learn that emotional pain is twice as hard to recover from. I can't live with in the mix of high and lows that leave me just fed up with even caring about you. It was just a miss understanding but I just can't stand for any more hurtful words to be the only words said. I respect myself and most of all I respect what we had but the line has shifted so far from us, I can't even think of saying your name again. Why do I feel used every time you call. Why do I feel as if nothing I say or do can repair the past and build on the present situation. I have put up more than my hands. For Sale as is.
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Wow! I did not know there were so many cougars in SA Tx. I was meeting up for a date and I guess every one meets up at starbucks. It was so odd. It seem like I was applying for a job. I went from table to table and got many good offers.I just felt so much younger than the women and wondered just how many were
for real. My date even seem older but we had a very good understanding of what each other wanted in a relationship. It appears that the older we get we break things down to the bare bones of a relationship. We get what we put into it. So we both felt relax and did not feel like a sales person. We each were happy with our life and had some regrets but feel more comfortable living single. Not having to worry about lables that friends and family put on us. We agreed to devote time to each other alone not as a group with friend or family. We completely cut them out and do activity with ourself. I like this concept because so far I have found out who she is and what point of view is on different subjects than trying to go along with the group of friends and family we are with. We get to explain in detail why we feel the way we do and how we could or would change things. This relationship seems more meaningful, but hard to separate family and friends out.
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The Real L word....Show

I have been looking at the new Real L word show and I have to say that the new memebers suck. I don't know why I watch the show but I just don't understand the relationships that develop in to a free for all. No one seem to stay with each other. They all seem to play the field and pretty much out in the open. Only one couple who are married seem to be faithful, but they make me sick with the baby making issue. They just went about it all wrong and I will not be surprized that they break up after the is born. All and All it shows many unhealthy relationships one after the other. And it seems that women on this show seem to be more willing to forgive cheaters and continue to around with a group of girls from one zip code to the next as if they are trying to fool someone into loving them. The Asian women on the show have to know about each other and continue to get used by a white blonde who is jobless. The one returning girl Whitney has so many girl after her they are willing to wait their turn at her, but she seems to be stuck on Sara who waits for no one to get what she wants. I guess the real L word is LUST or Let Loose Women run wild.
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Shemale STOP!

OMG! Shemale are fooling us all. I can't believe it. I have been friends with one and did not even know it. I was for sure she was born a girl not a guy. I was so shocked really. No one else knows at work. It is funny now that I look back at all the things we have talked about and all the guys that asked me to talk to her about them being interested. Now I have seen it all. I would have never guess it. And the women at work are so mad at how good she looks. They just don't know she gotta cock. I am so honored to know but actually scared that some guy may take it the wrong way and want to hurt my dear friend. There are guys at work head over heal in lust for her and send flowers to her. One guy she had to report stalking. Now I know why she asked me to work her to her car. People have asked me why were we so close. I never thought to ask and since we were co-workers I feel it was always best to go along and get along because it makes the day go by faster. I don't know why I am so happy that she shared that with me. I feel special. Dawww! LOL It must be a very hard to live life with every male after you and every women being a fake friend to catch your seconds. LMAO!!!
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Magic shoes???

I was not expecting such a burst of enjoyment. I had plan out a simple date, which included dinner and a play. I knew that she loved the nuttcracker show so I got tickets and expected to spend a lot of time talking about it. Dinner did not go as planned. She insisted on driving and before going out I like to take a few pics because we are dressed up. She really got in to the pic taking and ended up taking up more time then we had before the show to eat. So, we did not end up eating before the show. Anyway she drove and did not like were we had to park, because she had to walk a long way in high hills. I suggested she take flat shoes, but no. She ended up walk bare footed in stockings. Ghetto! I over looked that but once at the show she puts them on. Once she put them on she was a complete different person. Her voice changed and her spirits seemed to be lifed. I found this to be very Odd, because I enjoyed this fate personality then her true self. She seemed more playful. The seats and the show was great. I did not expect her to cry and become so emotional. We got the chance to take pics with the performers and oddly she passed on it. She took off her shoes and basically dragged me back to the car. I thought we were going to go out to eat, but she insisted on driving and wanted something along the route to her house. I wanted to seat down and eat at a fine dinning place, but fast food was what I got. I was shocked because I offered to pay for everything and for some reason she felt the need to show me she was independant, but I was not concern about it. When we got back to her house she put on some other high hill shoes and I saw yet another personality. I was not liking the relationship. It was if she was two different people and I could not go on with out saying something. Although she wanted a happy ending. I could not perform, and wanted to put closer to our friendship before it got to that point. I don't know what magic shoes that would fix her. I just knew that in a relationship you have to accept the person as is. Don't try to change them into who you want them to be. It is hard to accept that fact but it is true. I find out that I like the Fate person they introduce me to than the true person and hope that they can keep up the show.
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Someone new, someone interesting, someone not you!

That somebody we are looking for must be out there huh? Some of us believe that person is out there just for us. Some of us settle for what is comfortable. Really most of us are bored and search for someone interesting and once the interest has dropped out of site they soon become out of mind and then your looking for someone new. We you look and you look and all you see and hear is someone that's not you. How can you cut through the routie. What that someone new a test of your own will and was that someone interesting only did things you would never do. When will we be done searching for someone not you!
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I never get tired of looking at this women....

I have never seen any one to capture my attention like her. She is lovely in many ways and now she is in her 40's and still one of the most adored women I have seen. Stacy Dash. She has two and they are just as cute as her. She has remain in shape and just naturally beautiful. In my mind and in my eyes she is queen. That is what every man wants, but there must be a catch. Someone so beautiful may not be all their cracked up to be. There is a limit to how much anyone will put up with and still I never get tired of looking at this women. I wonder what one would put up with to keep a lovely looking person in there life. I had such a person in my life that I thought I would never get tired of,and now she did the unthinkable. Which now I can't even bring myself to even call her. When you loose all respect for a person. Their looks can't correct the hurt and pain. Their words can't repair the ugly truth of a evil person. They may say they did not intend for whatever happen to happen but you can not over look emoral actions over good looks with a smile. You can forgive and let that person learn from their mistakes, but you live with pain for the rest of your life because you can't forget. Unconditional love is hard to come by and good looks can't grant it.
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I thought I could tell who smokes. I was wrong. I ran into a very nice looking women and thought to myself she keeps herself healthy. I had meet her in my class and did not notice she was a smoker until we went to the gas station on break from class. Smoking is a major turn off for me. Most of my friend don't smoke and I seem to run into a lot of people that do. I find myself not wanting to even start a conversation with her, but since we are friends I had to ask her not to smoke around me. Was that rude?
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Can we set down and eat?

What is wrong with dating now a days? I don't care to go to the movies as a first date. We never really get to talk. I don't mine meeting at a coffee shop but can we set down and eat at a real place. Fast food is out of the question. I love fine dining and I like to relax and not have running back in forth in front of me. Clubs/bars are okay, but not at the top of my list.I want to know were is the oddest place you have had your fisrt date. Mine a donut shop.
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Clean cut black male who is nerdy but wants to find out who could break me out of my shell.

San Antonio
"United States"
Painting, drawing, taking pics, write.
Dexeter, Law&Order, Breakout Kings, Nikida, NCIS.
Everything Jazz, R&B, Rap, Rock, Country.
Women with gray, blue or lite brown eyes. Shoulder length hair. Body hair trimmed. Nails and Feet done. Very gurly. lite make up.
Crew cut hair dues. Punk rock or gothic look. Black nail polish. Smoker or drug user. Heavy make up.
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