Forbidden Treasure
Never realy hated my job (asst mang. for burger joint), persay. But I also never actualy loved it either, at least not untill just over a week ago. When my boss informed me of a new hire I had to train. The following morning as i was opening the store i suddenly found my heart had litterly stopped beating as my pulse tripled in rate, my mouth became dry as my lips moistened with hunger. I was standing there speachless, staring at this amazingly sweet and sexy lil redhead goddess.
She couldnt have benn over 5' maybe 98 pounds. Her angelic pale white skin was sprinkled with angel kisses (freckles) Soul piercing green eyes, smallish upturned nose and the most suckulant set of lips that just begged to bekissed. Even threw the lose fitting uniform shirt, her perfect firm mouth-sized 34 B cups were trying to drill a hole threw its fabric.. And OHH MY GOG that ass!!! WOW!!! thats bout all I can say.
"Hi, Im Erica) she spoke and I actualy studdered with my reply. I felt like a standing in front of Justin Bieber. And she could only blush with a lil giggle.
Well anyway, what Im trying to say here is this girl is only 17, She clearly picks up on all my flirting. As well as returns them eargerly. God I no dout want her SOOOO BAD! But my god the age difference, plus shes my co-worker. What should I do?
Should I juse simply follow my desire and toss her sexy lil ass up on the grill and spread her legs open as I try to suck her tonsils out threw her pussy,
Or should I be professional and keep it friendly only?