###READ THIS#### I get hundreds of requests a day, i used to accept but people are reporting my content and my videos are being taken down, because of this i have strict rules to add friends. If you want to be friends read the below: -If you have no videos, i will block you to save me constantly having to view your profile. This spamming interferes with legit friends request who have content to share.. -Do not add me if you don't have #AP VIDs, i will reject. Upload #AP and i will add -If you only have a few, i will give you time to upload before i accept. -All my vids cant rename!!!), they are not reuploads, I purchased or made them personally.. If you don't have vids you downloaded yourself, don't waste our time by resharing you tightarse. finally message me on my stream to get my attention if you actually have unique content and want to be friends
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