If your having trouble uploading raceplay here because of copyright strikes I would recommend Motherless and creating an account then putting it on private because most models are unable to see the vid at all and it won’t pop up on searches as well bro
All of the most reliable trusting RP uploaders have been hit with removals, just add the guys that you feel are not fake uploading just to be added, choose best thumbnail, use the least tags on videos as possible and just pray. Thought about stop putting RP in the titles but can't edit titles after upload, maybe a more generic title might help. I think these removals are from the Internet moral police that think Raceplay=racism. Even the dickdrainers dude gets the hate from these guys
There is 2 removals: -Right after you upload, like minutes after, sometimes PH auto deletes them (or doesn't alow the upload to go up if you will) can't do nothing about it, I don't think.
- Or after someone reports it, meaning the less friends (less probability of "fake" reporting accounts added) the better. But non friends can still report, so choosing a thumbnail that doesn't alow to identify the performer or site of the scene (aka don't show faces).
It still almost impossible to avoid them