Recent video removals
You may have noticed I no longer have any videos uploaded to my page. This is because PornHub has unjustly removed one of them, citing alleged "/". This claim is utterly false, as anyone who viewed the video should be able to tell that it both me and the other man are both conscious, and there is no reason to believe it was as he is filming and I uploaded it with his permission. This is the second time this has happened, another video of mine was recently removed for similarly false reasons.
Therefore, I have chosen to delete my other video before PH decides to remove it for falsified reasons too. It's unfortunate that PH has decided to go after me for completely falsified reasons, but it likely means I will not be uploading further. It's unfortunate that it's come to this, as I don't know where else to upload without having a paywall block viewers. If there are any alternatives not owned by PH any of you can recommend, please let me know, as I just want to share my videos somewhere if possible.