Please answer me to let me know that you read me. And also don't do sexual stuffs on and others websites like this one. don't do sexual stuffs on internet with strangers. You need to be sure that the person is of age before doing anything, and you need to have consent for everything (for sex, for recording, for sharing etc.)
(consent from the person concerned + consent for recording and sharing from the person concerned etc) Don't do sexual stuffs on So please delete all your videos here and on all the others websites, and don't upload and don't record this kind of video again. (Share also my three messages with the persons who liked this post and all your followers, and with the people who like the kind of videos that you share etc...)
Hello. Porhub deleted all the content of a channel like yours so I wanted to ask you if : These persons on and others websites like this one, did they give you the permission to record them and to appear here? Did they agreed to be seen by others? You can't share and record this kind of content. And are these people of age? Even if they told you their age, they could have been lying. These persons are strangers. when the subject is porn and sex you need to be sure of everything