The Black List
Star Trek (all of them except maybe Deep Space Nine)
Predestination (film)
The Fifth Element
The Usual Suspects
I've read a hell of a lot of books, over a thousand, but I can't say I have certain favorites. I love John Steinbeck, and I like the Series of Unfortunate Events books. But I'm not a big literary fiction reader.
I read a lot of articles.
You're going to think I'm lying, but I really like short women in particular. I'm really into cute girls.
Sure, I like Asians, but not all Asians. I'm fond of Japanese and Chinese cultures in particular. Zero interest in Southeast Asian people and cultures. I'm not attracted to ethnicity so much, but Asians from the Far East tend to be my type--cute, petite, foreign, both sexually and as friends.
Physically, a small butt is a major turn on. Breasts, size doesn't matter so much as shape, but I like small breasts. Flat chested is actually a huge turn on for me.
Aggressive women are hot. Tell me what you want. Scream it!
It's not that I'm not attracted to my fellow Americans, but Americans have this tendency--at least on the East Coast--to make every human interaction seem like a job interview or networking opportunity. It's not fun. When the first things someone asks upon meeting me are where I went to school, what my job is, what kind of car I drive and such, that's a massive turn off.
Am I applying for a mortgage? Wouldn't you rather know what I like? What I'm into? What fun things we might do together? Let's exchange resumes after we get to know each other a little.