finally got around to buying some fun little toys to share with all of you very soon~ might make a poll so you all can vote on what i should use first~
Hello everybody! It's been a while. I haven't had much time between school and the holidays to have much fun, which honestly should be considering how many times I was throbbing for some playtime :[ Anyways, I'm back! I'll hopefully get to all of your messages soon, but there's already so many of them hah.
Hello loves! In the next few days [including tonight!] I will be on text and video chat talking with you all to celebrate 100 subscribers and 10,000 views! Just enter lilbaby327 into your interests and I'll be there chatting with you all! Might even use this as an oppurtunity to film something special hehe. I'll be hopping on intermitantly throughout the days of August 6-8 to possibly have some fun ;] Don't forget! If we can get to 200 subscribers by the end of the celebration, I might give a free private 1 on 1 session to some lucky raffle winners...