o.m.g im 100 % real im bi im black & mexican im a nerd so im into just about every fandom ( but nothing psychotic ) but my main passionz are god,myself,my neciez ( i have 4 ) & nephewz ( i have 5 ),toyz ( dollz & action figuerz ),video gamez,wrestling music,fashion,sex i used too be a social person but not anymore i have been through alot throughout my lyfe ( mostly because of people ) which haz resulted in me becoming extremely anti & extremely depressed & sometymez suicidal & anxiety i have not been a social person since november 7th 2015 i havent really talked too anybody except for my neciez & nephewz ( not even the rest of my fam ) nor have i had sex with anyone ( besidez myself ) since that date ❤
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