Dean Martin; Frank Sinatra; Bobby Darrin; Classical; Classic Rock; Hard Rock; some Metal; some Techno; some Country; etc...
Friday-Robert A. Heinlein; Deathlands-James Axler;
Manors; Nice people; Never having an excuse to not b nice, polite, or kind to others; Sometimes just being in nature with no reason to feel threatened by need to survive, thats always nice; Traveling faster then 200+mph on motorcycle or otherwise, thats fun, seemingly insane, but fun as fucking hell, ; Leather or Latex as casual dress wear; Chic's in classic military uniforms(WWII) while'st I deck out American(weapons a +); Apocalypse outfits;
Pain, or harming, don't like either, maybe a few other things as well; Psychotics(major fucking turn off); Bipolarism; Schizophrenia(makes sex to much work); Paranoids I can deal with, their usually just very cautious people surviving a modern, very fucked up world;