
Callisto Academy

As usual constructive criticism is welcome. Hope you ladies enjoy. As Paige walked up the steps to the front doors of Callisto Academy, she felt butterflies in her stomach. "I hope I didn't dress too sexy." She thought to herself. She wore her blue skirt, gold button up blouse that she left a few buttons undone on, to catch a few eyes. Her skirt wasn't super tight but couldn't help but cling to her enormous ass, though it loosened up about the thighs just incase she needed to hike it up. Paige had never been with a woman before but after her divorce her was determined to explore her curiosity. She didn't know what to expect but from watching TV and porn she gathered that thing could move fast. She didn't want to meet some random chick online or in a club she wanted something different. She heard rumors online about this lesbian school, she had went to school to teach but never persude it. Her then husband was paid but now she had to provide for herself and if she could get some on the way sounded good to her. She took a deep breath before opening the door to head in. "You got this Paige." She said exhaling. She walked through the double glass doors and was immediately greeted with, "Daaaammmmnn that's a stupid fat ass." Paige turned to see a mexican stud with braids and golds standing in a small crowd of ruffians, smiling and winking at her. Paige smiled. "Shouldn't you be heading to class, Ms. ..." "Call me Lupe," the stud replied walking over to Paige. "And we still got a few more minutes of breakfast. You must be the new teacher?" "Is it that obvious?" Paige questioned. "Kind of I mean it's some ass in these hallways but none like that." Lupe stated casually. "Where you headed Ms.?" "Bennett, Paige Bennet. I'm headed to see the principal Ms. Callisto. Mind walking me?" Paige flirted. She couldnt believe herself it was like she was a totally different person. "Sure, of course this way." Lupe said, leading Paige to the main office. On the way their Lupe gave Paige a mini tour of the school. They went through 4 sets of double doors, and a elevator ride before they reached the secluded main office. "Students are only allowed in when summoned, we'll have to part here." Lupe stated holding the elevator. "Just go down this hall and make a left. Hope a see you around." She said licking her lips. "Likewise, nice meeting you Lupe." Paige replied turning to walk away. But not before Lupe smacked her phat ass, chuckling as the elevator closed. Paige couldn't believe she did that. As she walked into the main office she was met by Callise and Cindy conversing. They both stopped mid sentence and stared at her for what seemed like forever. "I- My name is Paige Bennett I'm looking for a Ms. Callisto?" Paige spoke breaking the awkward silence. "I'm Callise Callisto." Callise replied stepping forward to shake Paige's hand. "We spoke on the phone, nice to finally put a face with a voice." "Likewise, you and your sister have a beautiful campus. I'm really looking forward to working with you ladies." Paige smiled admiring the amazon before her. "Thank you Ms. Bennett. I-" Callise started, still holding Paige's hand. "Please call me Paige." Paige interrupted. "Paige it is." Callise said kissing her hand and leading Paige towards her office. "You look stunning I hope you don't mind me saying so." Callise said stepping aside to watch Paige's phat ass bounce into the room. "Not at all, I'm flattered. You don't look too bad your self love." Paige winked as she watched Callise close and lock her office door. She thought that was odd, but maybe it was just because of the kind of students they have. "Please have a seat, make yourself comfortable." Callise encouraged. Stepping around Paige and sitting on the edge of her desk Callise continued.. "I remember you saying you don't have much teaching experience, but that's perfectly fine. Here at Callisto we like to think of our students as our friends. So our teaching style is a little different. But I can tell by your personality you'll be fine." Callise went on filling her in on the students and the teachers database. After telling her about the mandatory std testing for students, going over the safety procedures and lunch schedule Callise got a little personal. She needed to tap this before her sister popped up. "Are you married Paige?" She asked. "Um, no divorced actually." Paige answered sweeping hair behind her ear looking up into Callise's eyes. "Ahhhh ok. So you're single ready to mingle. I wouldn't mind taking up a little of your free time if that's ok with you?" Callise grinned. "Maybe lunch this afternoon? I can tell you more about our girls and get to know this gorgeous ebony goddess before me." "Sure I'd like that." Paige replied smiling warmly. Callise chuckled. "Wow I'm shocked. I didn't take you as the bisexual type. I thought you'd shoot me down for sure. So you've been with a woman before?" She asked. "No but I've always been curious, and turned on by women." Paige admitted shocking herself she'd never said it aloud. "Hmm is that right? Do I turn you on Ms. Bennett?" Callise questioned. Standing up removing the jacket to her pants suit and tossing it atop her desk. Paige refusing to be taken off guard replied a sarcastic. "Somewhat." Feeling her heart start to be a little faster. "Hm, I see. What if I told you that I'm going to fuck your pretty face before you leave my office this morning?" Callise asked with a smirk. Untucking her blue shirt, before unbuttoning her slacks looking Paige square in the eyes. "Well I-I-I um, I have a class to get to right?" "Not for another 30, 45 minutes. We have more than enough time for me to glaze that pretty face of yours. Any objections?" Paige shook her head no. "I-i-its just that I've n-never Um you know." She stuttered. "Never ate pussy before I know, it's ok. Mine is a little close to what you're used to though I'm sure you'll do fine." Callise said, removing her heels. "Now get down there and pull my slacks off. I'm going to teach you how to please a woman." Callise said. Her hand atop Paige's head smiling as she knelt before her. After her slacks and underwear were removed. Paige admired the sight and scent of Callise's puffy pussy. With thick meaty lips and the biggest clit Paige had ever seen. It was like she had a mini dick, and Paige wanted nothing more than to wrap her big wet lips around it. She sat there a few inches away from the semi erect clit, salivating. "Spread my pussy lips baby," Callise ordered, leaning back against her desk her hand still firmly planted on Paige's head. She pulled Paige's head within centimeters of her phat clit. "Yeah just like that, now suck the tip of that motherfucker nice and easy." Paige wrapped her voluptuous lips around the tip of Callise's swollen clit. Giving it a little suck she pulled a little moan from Callise's lips. "Mmmm that's it baby, you're catching on really quick. Now swirl your tongue around that clit... Ooo that's a long thick tongue, I can tell I'm gonna like you. Yeah just like that baby lick that big motherfucker. Tease it just like that...Mmm . You're good at that. Now suck that clit into your mouth baby, all of it." Callise ordered, rotating her hips. Paige was loving the taste of her 1st pussy. She was also loving Callise's dirty talk, no one had ever talked dirty to her before. It was making her pussy drip she squeezed her thighs together putting some pressure on her clit, causing her to moan onto the throbbing clit in her mouth. "Mmmm, she likes it." Callise stated smiling, looking into Paige's eyes. "That's right baby, eat that pussy. That's right gobble that clit up like a hungry slut. Can I make you my little slut ? Hm can i fuck that hot wet mouth and make you my slut baby?" Callise asked pulling Paige's head off her pussy with 2 hands. "Yes headmistress, fuck my face and make me your slut." Paige answered looking up into Callise's pretty hazel eyes. "Mmm that's a good slut. Now stick out that long tongue for me baby." Callise demanded as she held Paige's head in place. When Paige obliged Callise shoved her clit into the waiting mouth, feeling the tip of Paige's tongue slide in and out the source of her wetness. "Now suck that big fucking clit bitch." Paige wrapped her lips around the engorged clit. Sliding her hand under her skirt Paige found her own needy clit, teasing and stroking it. "That's it baby play with that pussy while I cum on your face." Callise grunted humping Paige's mouth at a steady tempo. "Fuck yes, keep moaning on that clit. Mmmm, that's right my sexy little slut. Keep sucking that clit, just like that....ah...yeah, fucking bitch you're gonna make me cum." Callise growled loudly a little too loud. She was now shoving Paige's gorgeous face to and from her crotch. Paige was slurping that big clit like it was her last meal. Callise would not break eye contact with Paige as she used Paige's mouth like the slut she was sure to become. "Yes! Slurp that...fucking...clit! Gobble it up my naughty little slut. And look at me, keep looking me in my eyes. I want you to watch me cum on your face. Watch me cum on that pretty face, slut. Don't stop.. don't you dare fucking stop you nasty slut. I'm so close sexy. So...fucking...close." Callise panted. She cocked one of her legs up on a nearby chair, and began to fuck Paige's face with vigor. "Here it comes baby, all my nut. Take it slut! Take my fucking cum!" Callise was screaming now. Pussy juice splashing off Paige's chin as Callise continued to use her face. "Fuck! You slut! Here's my nut baby! Take that...fucking....nut...you nasty...little....bitch. Swallow that cum! Every fucking drop." Callise moaned rating her hips slowing, riding out her orgasm. "Mmmm good girl now clean mistresses pussy slut. Mmm jst like that. That's a good little slut. My good little slut, clean up that cum. Did you enjoy your 1st taste of pussy gorgeous?" "That was amazing mistress. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I've never experienced anything so invigorating. God I hope your assistant doesn't report us." Paige stood licking her lips. "Dont worry about that slut she works for me. Why do you think I have the main office so secluded? There's quite a bit of moaning coming from here on the regular." Callise smiled. "I did enjoy myself quite a bit, more than I have in a long while. Thank you for that." "The pleasure was all mine, really. Thank you broadening my horizons." "You are very welcome. I know you agreed to being my personal slut, but that was heat of the moment. We'll decide for sure over lunch?" Callise asked. "Sure, sounds like a plan. I have no intentions of changing my mind. Im so fasinate with your massive clit. I want to suck that big motherfucker every morning" Paige almost moaned. Sucking her own pussy juice from her fingers looking at Callise. The sight made her big clit twitch she was ready to go again. She stood embracing Paige gripping as much of her phat ass, as she could and moaned into her ear. "Oh you're going to do more than suck my clit my sexy little vixen. Mmm, you need to get out of here before you and this big ass are absent on your first day. And send in Cindy on your way out." Callise replied before smacking her phat ass and stepping aside so she could go. Paige fixed her hair and clothes before heading out smiling. "Cindy Ms. Callisto would like to see you dear. Nice meet you have a nice day." "You too." Cindy chimed rising from her chair. Paige realized Cindy was dressed rather proactively. In a student's uniform that was 2 sizes too small. Showing off all of her ASSets. She felt her clit throb, she didnt get to cum there wasn't time. As she walked into class pussy still wet and horny she tried to put on her best face. "Good morning ladies I'm Ms. Bennett." She said writing on the board. She could feel everyone staring at her big ass, it turned her on even more. "Um so today I would like to take the time to get to know you ladies a little bit..." time went by she got to know her students. Even though most were criminals they all seemed like really pleasant women. My 3rd period was almost over. I was anxious about my lunch date with Callise. "Hope she feeds me that succulent clit for the next hour." Paige thought. She could still smell Callise's cum on her face, it had been keeping her on edge all morning. "Well it was very nice meeting you ladies I look forward to developing genuine relationships with you all. There's 2 minutes until the lunch bell. Ladies feel free to ask me any questions or talk amongst yourself. I'll be here, you ladies have a nice day." Paige said with a smile. She used her phone as as mirror she freshened up while she waited on the bell. When it rung she almost beat the students out of the classroom. Power walking to the main office to meet up with her new lesbian lover. As she waltzed through the double doors, she was met by cindy. "Hi again Cindy. I have a lunch meeting with Callise. Can I head on back or?" Paige asked anxiously. "Yes Ms. Bennett, she had to leave campus to go and see about a new potential student. She told me to apologize on her behalf and tell you that she would text you when she had the chance if that's ok?" Cindy inquired, looking over her shoulder ever few words. "Oh noo. Well that sucks." Especially since she thought she'd get to get her nut. "That's fine, have her text me... is everything OK love you seem flustered?" "Umm yeah, yeah. Just a little busy. So I'll have her text you. You have a nice day." Cindy replied all but kicking paige out the office. She was acting really suspicious made Paige wonder what was going on. "You must be Ms. Bennett, I've heard alot about you." A voice rang out from behind paige. She turned to see a stunning feminine version of Callise. Dressed I'm a blue body suit that hugged her thick frame and made Paige's mouth water. "That's me and you are?" Paige said extending her hand. "Callista Callisto, I'm Callise's sister. Nice to meet you beautiful." Callista chimed kissing Paige's hand. "The pleasure is all mine. I heard Callise had a sister, but I didn't know she was a ." Paige smiled batting her eyelashes like a school girl. She almost melted when Callista kissed her hand. She wanted feel those same soft lips wrapped around her clit. She could just see her hands gripping that luxurious curly mane and glazing Callista's sexy face like a donut. "So did you need something love? Having a problem with the schedule?" Callista asked, interrupting Paige's thoughts. Still holding on to Paige's hand, looking into her eyes concerned. "Um, no I actually had a meeting with your sister but she had to step out apparently." Paige answered, caressing the back of Callista's hand with her thumb. She couldnt help but flirt with her, she was the spitting image of Callise. She couldnt help but wonder if she tasted as sweet or had a clit as large as her . "Well I was just about to have Cindy run out and grab me lunch, you should join me." Callista said with the warmest smile that made Paige's pussy twitch. "Well, I- Are you sure?" Paige asked. "I insist. Cindy grab 2 of my usuals. This way Ms. Bennett." Callista rang. Leading Paige back to her office directly across the hall from her sisters. As they stepped in Paige heard the door close behind her. "Please get comfortable." Callista said gesturing to a futon in her office. Paige sat down admiring the art along the walls. "Thank you, your office is so lovely and personal. I love it." "You're very welcome. And thank you, I'm an artsy person I guess." Callista said making small talk. As she sat down on the futon super close to Paige she decide to waste no time. "So Paige I heard you made my sister cum like a fountain this morning, very naughty." She said, Paige's massive tits through her blouse. "Oh! Um, I...yeah I did. Would you like me to make your sweet pussy cum as well?" Paige asked boldly feeling her nipples start to peak. "Mmm, that's a nice offer but I've been craving some new pussy on my tongue." Callista said matter of factly. She was now lifting Paige's blouse and freeing one of her tits. She leaned down and licked her hardened bud briefly before continuing. "Do you mind if I sample that sweet pussy Paige?" She asked before taking Paige's nipple back into her hot mouth. "Mmmm, God no. I don't mind. Eat this phat pussy for me baby. Make me cum." Paige moaned. "Just as I thought, I want you to sit that phat ass on my desk and spread your legs." Callista said. Standing up to undress. "Can't have you cumming all over my nice body suit. Leave those heels on for me please." After they both stripped and Paige was on the desk spread eagle. She realized that Callista had a huge clit as well. Bigger than her , protruding from 2 puffy pussy lips that made Paige start to salivate. Staring at Callista's pretty pussy had Paige stroking her clit subconsciously. "Ooo you're naughty playing with that pussy right in front of me with no shame. You'll make the perfect slut." Callista chimed, kneeling in front of Paige's thick chocolate legs. She removed Paige's hand from her pussy before taking in her scent. "Mmmm your smell good enough to eat. Now don't be shy, I like my sluts really nasty. Pull my hair, fuck my mouth unleash your inner lioness." Callista said before snaking her long tongue across Paige's sensitive clit. Causing her to grip Callista's thick hair gently. She really needed that orgasm, she had never been so turned on. She felt like she would poor Callista's face. But then again it's what Callista said she wanted. That thought made her grip Callista's her hair harder and rotate her hips slightly. "My sweet Callista I'm going to give you everything you want and then some. Eat that sweet chocolate pussy ." Paige moaned. "Mmmm, that's it. That's what I want show me that inner slut." Callista chimed. Before slipping her long tongue down into Paige's tight wet pussy, catching her off gaurd. "Oh ! There you go baby get in that phat pussy. Tongue fuck that pussy, get it nice and juicy....Mmm, yessss, yes, that's it. Tongue fuck it, get in that pussy baby, get into that ." Paige chanted as she guided Callista's tongue in and out of her phat wet pussy. She shoved Callista's face into her pussy and held it there as she grinded her pussy on her face. Callista stiffened her tongue and curved it so it would hit Paige's g-spot. "Oh..you freaky bitch, gonna cum on your face. Gonna cum all over your face, get ready you sexy bitch. Here it cums!" As soon as Paige felt the waves of orgasm bliss start to wash over her. She heard the door open, obviously Callista didn't lock the door. A familiar voice broke her out of her trance. "Callista? Paige? What are you two doing?!" (To be continued...maybe?)
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Anyone up for a little roleplay? Message me.
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Just wanna a phat ass jiggling and gyrating all over my clit. Mmm.
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Message me boo. 😉
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Check out my short story on my stream when you get the chance.
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I don't really upload faceshots but I'll send you one personally IF I want to. I love roleplay, dirty talking, I LOVE TRIBBING, I love women of every color and shape but I especially love black women.

Why you care?
"South Africa"
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