"Don't call us, we'll call you."
The phone rang, the display told her that is was the boss trying to reach her. She tucked her long dark curls behind her ear and picked up the phone. Placing the receptor on her ear, "Mister Smith's office, Faith speaking, how may I help you?" she asked in her sweetest voice.
A low voice was heard on the other end of the line. Hey Faith, Frank here. There was a moments pause and some odd sounds on the background of ruffling leafs, My car broke down and wont be able to make my two oclock A loud noise was heard now as the phone of the called apparently dropped to the floor. a distant cussing was heard as the voice came closer. Im not going to make my three oclock either. Could you cancel my appointments?
Faith looked at the schedule, he had two job interviews for that new PR function and a business meeting at three. Alright mister Smith I will let them know you wont be coming today. She smirked a bit at her pun, knowing full well that mister Smiths car was just fine. Have a nice day, sir.
"Thank you, Faith, youre an absolute Angel. In the background a zipper was heard unzipping, I got to go, see you tomorrow. The phone was lowered but the connection didnt break for another moment, Oh yeah, thats right. Put it in your mouth It seemed like a whisper but the groan following made things apparent enough. A click was heard as the connection halted.
Shaking her head a bit Faith looked over at the letters that both applicants had sent in. One was a somewhat heavy set man with a goatee and a bald spot, the other was a woman, or girl actually. Fresh out of college looking for a job. It was nice to see how people always added a picture to their curriculum vitea, especially when they were hot. She decided to call the man first.
It had taken about half an hour to get into contact with Baldy, when she finally had it had taken another ten to reschedule to a time both Frank and Baldy were available. She shook her head a bit as the man asked for a third time to confirm the date and time. Yes that is correct mister Griffin. We will see you then. Bye now. She looked at the clock and saw it was about minutes before the other interviewee would come in for her XXX now would seem rather rude but having her come to an empty office was also not an option. Then she remembered something from her job interview, Frank always taped them, so he could watch them back with an objective eye, he said. She knew exactly why he would watch job interviews back and was sure of the fact that he had jerked off to her tape at least a dozen times.
Getting up from her chair Faith was devising a devious plan in her mind. She had a business suit on, she knew her way around Franks office and she knew how to work a . Perhaps she could do him a favour and get this job interview over with, so he didnt have to anymore. She opened her drawer to find the key she had of his office. That way she could get things set up and be ready for when the interviewee came.
It only took a moment to unlock the door, unlock the cupboard that held the and the tripod. When she had everything set up and the pointed at the chair opposite from the desk she smiled contently and sat down in the big chair behind the desk, looking over at the clock she knew that the girl would be there any minute. The door was open so she could see if and when she would arrive. Looking at the and knowing how Frank used his taped she got another devious idea that would surely land her a promotion and the girl a job.
She got up from the chair and reached under her black business skirt, pulling down her lace panties and dropping them to the floor. She kicked them up with one foot and caught it in her hand. Smirking a bit at her own candor and carelessness, the open door had excited her a bit, she opened the nearest drawer and put her underwear on top of some non important looking documents. She sat back down and crossed her legs, gently pulling her skirt down a bit to seem presentable.
It only took a minute or so more before the dirt blond woman from the picture appeared in front of the door, looking for a secretary. Faith got up from her chair and called from the office. "Miss Kinsell, please step inside, close the door behind you." She smiled warmly as she saw the young curvy, fresh out of university, woman step inside the office. "My name is Faith Smith, I believe you are here for a job interview." She looked at the attire she was wearing. Her white blouse was unbuttoned at the top a bit, showing ever so slight cleavage. The couture folds and wrinkles played with her body slowly down to her waist where it held on tightly right above her black pencil skirt with a hint of gray.
"Hello Miss Smith." The woman seemed altogether surprised, disappointed and confident at the realization that the man that was supposed to interview her was indeed a woman. A young woman at that. Perhaps they could connect on some sort of level so she would be able to get the job. She stepped up to the desk and reached out a hand, "Allison Kinsell, a pleasure to meet you."
Faith shook her hand and felt the warmth crawling up her arm and down her spine. She was very excited as she sat back down in the chair, not bothering to readjusting her skirt which had crawled up slightly. "I make a point of taping the job interviews so I can watch them back after all the interviews are done. That way I hope to eliminate any bias that might occur through first impressions, be it good or bad." She got up again from the chair, reaching over to the , "These are strictly private, you dont mind do you?" She didn't turn it on just yet.
Allison shrugged a little "I dont mind, ma'am" She tried to get comfortable in the considerably smaller chair on the other end of the desk. She readjusted a bit and made sure the wouldnt see anything she didnt want it to see. Becoming extremely self aware for a moment she had wishes she hadn't put on a white lace bra and panties, the video would surely catch a glimpse of it at some point during the interview, but buttoning up would seem fairly odd at this point.
Pressing the record button Faith sat back in the big chair, again neglecting to do anything about the rising skirt, which had neatly folded up at least 10 cm now. She folded her legs to hide the shadowy triangle between her legs. For now. "Alright. You tell me in your letter that you've just graduated from the University, what brings you to us?" She picked up the parker pen and a note block to write down anything Allison would say.
Allison had prepared for this, she was a PR woman after all. "I was looking for a challenge after my study. A company that would appeal to me and my ideals. A company that would challenge my abilities and tickle my creativity. I think, looking at the products you develop and the marketing strategy your company follows, I would fit right in." Her eyes were drawn to the long bare legs under the desk as Faith switched her posture around in a very Basic Instinct kind of fashion. For a moment she even thought she could see the woman's lack of panties. She shook it off, "Its a family business, build up from the ground with your bare hands. Its everything that makes America great. Its the dream everybody has when they get out of business school. And you're living it. Its a good business."
Faith had noticed the reaction and smirked a bit taking notes. "And business is going up, how do you think I can afford this beautiful desk." She faked the take Allison's distraction to be about the desk. Sliding forward slightly the skirt crawled up her legs even more. "What are you expecting from your job at our company?"
Feeling her heartbeat climb, Allison wasnt sure if that Faith was doing was intentional or by accident. It didn't make her feel very comfortable but she had to get through this interview, she needed the money or she'd be evicted from her apartment. "I am expecting to work with a lot of creative minds on the advertising and public relations of your products. I hope to find the same satisfaction in my job as I do in all other aspects of my life." The legs under the table moved again and this time there could be no mistaking the slightly swollen lips that hid in the shadows of Faiths skirt. Allison swallowed as she tried to continue her train of thought. "The message your company sends to the world is the same message I feel I want to send out."
Nodding at the answers Faith took some more notes before placing the notepad on the desk. "How badly do you feel you need this job?" It was a very straight forward question and she expected a fairly obvious answer. "Is it a life or death situation or just something you just applied to see how far you'd get?"
Allison frowned a bit at that, "I'm in great need of a job, ever since I graduated my dad stopped supporting me saying I need to earn my own keep now." She shook her head a bit, "Its not life or death but definitely a bit on the desperate pleading on my knees side."
"Would you, say, show your breasts to get this job?" Faith leaned back now and smiled at the woman, "Hypothetically."
Blinking rapidly, wondering if this was some kind of a joke Allison couldnt think of a good response. "I'm not sure… are you making a joke?"
Shaking her head and keeping a straight face, "No I'm not, I'm trying to find out how far you'd go. So would you expose your breasts to land this job?"
"I…" Allison thought it over a minute, the financial situation she was in, her father not being able to say 'I told you so' and then she made a gut decision, "Yes, I would."
"And how about your ass? Or better yet, your vagina?" Faith continued, her heart now racing, if Allison knew who she was she would probably sue her or her, or both.
Allison stood up from the chair, "I'm sorry, I dont think I can take you seriously."
"What is your starting salary at other companies? 2000, 2500? Here you make 3500 a month, not counting bonuses." Faith leaned forward, "I am dead serious, miss Kinsell, would you strip down naked to get this job, yes or no?"
Hearing the salary, for someone who wouldve settled for 1900, Allison was at a loss for words for a moment. She wanted to walk away but somehow she couldn't, this could all be a test. Some screwed up, awkward test for her devotion or motivation. "Yes, I would. I would strip naked in front of you to get this job."
Leaning back again Faith smiled. Folding her arms and looking at Allison she nodded appreciatively. "Alright then." She motioned with her right hand, "Go ahead."
"I'm sorry?" Allison couldn't believe what she was hearing from this woman. How did she ever become so successful without being sued for . Then again she was a woman that any man would gladly put his cock in. She shook her head "No."
Faith shrugged, "Alright, so you don't want the job. It was between you and some overweight fat guy, I was really hoping you'd be the one stripping." She leaned forward and picked up her pen, she made big theatrical motion to start a fell swipe across the paper to cross off Allison's name from the list.
"No! Wait!" Allison wasn't thinking this over at this point. It was a reaction. She didn't want to be crossed off, she didn't want to miss this opportunity. It was just showing a little skin, people had done worse to get a job. She wasn't ashamed of her body, she was fit. "I'll do it. If you promise me I get the job, I'll do it."
Placing the pen back on the table Faith leaned back again. "Now, now. With your hesitance and indecisiveness I'm not sure I can trust you enough to higher you off the bat." Uncrossing her legs and spreading them slightly she smirked, "Now about that pleading on your knees part." She allowed her hand to travel downward to her loins, which had been aching for a touch ever since Allison had walked in.
Closing her eyes for a moment Allison tried to gather her thoughts. She had said she would kneel and plead for the job but not in the sense that Faith was alluding to. Slowly her eyes opened again "Alright. I'll do it. I'll do all of it. Just. Please. I've got to have this job."
Faith her fingertips were tracing the insides of her legs in anticipation of Allison's striptease. "Show me how badly you want it."
Allison shivered a bit in her hands as they headed for the buttons of her blouse. Slowly she fidgeted them loose and unbuttoned the white fabric, revealing the white lace bra underneath. Her small round breasts trapped inside. The cotton slid off her shoulders and landed on the ground with barely a sound at all. Awkwardly her hand moved to the side zipper of her pencil skirt. She took in an uneven breath. All the time thinking, hoping, the other woman would stop her. But she didnt as the black fabric crumpled up around her feet. The lace underwear was slightly see through and gave a hint of a neatly trimmed line of pubic hair showing the way down. Sliding her hands over her body to try and come off as at least slightly sexy she moved to the back of her bra. Unlocking the contraption with just one hand and using the other to cover her breasts up for at least a moment longer.
The breathing of Faith had become heavier watching the spectacle. Her soft and agile fingers had found her swollen lips between her legs. Softly she touched them and quivered at the sensation. Watching the near brunette across the desk as she traced the contours of her throbbing clitoris.
The bra joined its fallen comrades on the floor. Leaving Allison bare breasted and very uncomfortable. Her hands now moved downward again, her thumbs hooked down on the sides of her thong and pulled gently. She stepped out of the skirt around her feet and turned around. Showing her behind that hadnt been covered by the thong at all. Sliding the lace panties down her long legs she slowly bent over. As both the underwear and her hands reached the ground her lips were showing themselves in between her legs. Slowly rising upwards again she turned, using her hands to cover her most private area. She swallowed, wondering what would be next.
"Very beautiful. Very nice indeed." Faith licked her lips watching Allison in her exposed and vulnerable state. "If you would be so kind to move your hands." Her finger pushed aside her swollen lips now to come into direct touch with her swollen clit as the other woman moved her hands slowly away to show her vagina. A shiver shot up her spine as if she had been hit by an electric shock. She pulled her hand back and reached over to the , taking it off its tripod and aiming it at Allison. "Have you ever crawled under a desk before?"
Allison knew a blatant sexual hint when she heard one and moved closer to the desk. Leaning on it for a moment looking Faith in the eyes. Seeing that the other woman didn't budge and wouldn't stop her now, not while there was still so much she could let her do. Slowly the blonde young woman squatted down onto her hands and knees and crawled forward, feeling the lens of the following her. She looked up again as she arrived between the woman's legs, straight up into the lens. Her hands were quivering as the slowly rose from the ground and traced her fingers up Faith's legs.
The touch of the cold hands on her legs, which were almost on fire with desire, almost immediately sent her into a state of bliss. What would come next had her filled to the brim with anticipation. She tried to keep the still as she saw the hands of Allison move closer to her genitals. The fingers caressing the insides of her legs as they moved closer. One hand moved further than the other and after excruciating seconds the thumb on that hand connected with her exposed clit. Having even more trouble keeping the centered now Faith was no longer in control of her breath. The soft circular motions of the finger were turning her world upside down. She only closed her eyes for a moment when she felt the warm breath of the other woman coming closer to her lips. The tingling sensation got more intense until the very moment her warm wet tongue connected with clitoris. Faith let out an uncontrolled groan. "Oh yes." She felt the other hand coming closer as well, while the one hand was used to spread her lips apart. The tongue was working its magic on her swollen clit and a newly introduced finger was slowly working its way inside her dripping wet vagina. "Oh God yes. Dont stop."
The sound of her tongue working the wet loins of the other woman coursed through her head, the taste of her saliva mixing with her moist ran through her mouth, it almost drowned out the feelings and thoughts of humiliation. She almost felt as if she wanted to really let this woman enjoy it. Allison inserted a second finger into the hot wet slit. Pumping her hand faster now she felt how the other woman was enjoying her tongue and fingers. The moist was running along her hand and arm and made its way on the ground dripping from her elbow. She then suddenly opened her closed eyes and looked up, into the lens. Sheer determination in her eyes. Crawling up to her she had seen that her other hole seemed like it hadn't been touched by anything yet, it had seemed tight and all virgin like. As this was her job interview she just realized that she had to show this woman something to really attract her attention. She pulled out her fingers and let some saliva drip down her slit and culminate on the chair near her asshole. Losing her anal virginity to her fingers would keep this moment fresh in her mind. She wasn't nice and easy about it either, having her middle finger already dripping wet with moist she moved it through the saliva and slid it into her tight star in one motion.
Almost dropping the as she felt a finger enter her in a whole new way Faith was at a loss for words. The tongue lashing at her cunt, the finger now pumping her asshole, she never thought anal could feel this good. She was in heaven and little did she know there was still one more surprise to be had.
Satisfied with the reaction from her future boss Allison had one more trick up her sleeve, she turned her hand and arched her thumb upward, pushing it in and out of her cunt as she pumped the hand back and forth, her index finger joining the middle one in her asshole and her thumb digging deep into the soft skin of her cunt. Her tongue was still viciously lashing about the swollen clit, which must have grown another inch. There was no missing it now. Digging her fingers in deep and touching through the thin skin between the cavities she felt the woman contract about her, she could let her do anything she'd like right about now. Looking up she smiled "Tell me I'm hired." She stopped moving. "Tell me I'm hired and I'll make you come."
"Yes. Yes. You're hired, dont stop! Please Don't stop!" Faith panted. The sudden stop in stroking had woken her right up, she wanted this. She didn't want it to end, she wanted to explode. It had been coming from a mile away and when the tongue reconnected with her clit, the fingers resumed their penetration she was no longer in control of anything, she knew it. "Oh. fuck yes!" She groaned, tried to catch her breath, feeling her muscles tense up throughout her entire body. "Oh Yeah. Dont stop, Im gonna… I'M Gonna… FUUAaaaaahhhck" Her body was throbbing, her pussy clasping around the thumb inside it, her pelvis thrusting. An uncontrollable shiver in her legs. The actual orgasm came a split second later. In a moment of utter bliss all her muscles contracted and immediately released. Moist was spilling out of her now and she couldnt stop from contracting and shaking on her chair. The was now laying on her belly looking down, taking close up shots from a blond soon to be employed exstudent who didn't stop licking her throbbing cunt. With her free hand Faith finally pushed Allison away from her. As the fingers exited and the tongue no longer lashed she sat there, trying to gather her mind on what the fuck just happened. "Don't… Don't…" she took in a deep breath and straightened up looking at Allison through the , a devious smile appearing on her face, "Dont call us, we'll call you."