Looking for Live-in slave
Im looking for a live-in slave to move in with me. Message me if you're interested for more information.
NO I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A SEX SLAVE, i want a submissive slave. 😇
No drinking, drugs, smoking, gambling!!!
* You must be earning an income!
* You must a US citizen and living in the USA now! ...
( I am not interested if you are not )
* I prefer over 40 yrs old. ( I will consider younger with experience )
* You must be able to pass a background check.
* You must be willing to turn over their entire life to me ...
( I will maintain total control! )
* You understand that you are “work sub/slave”, not a “sex slave“
and will not be entitled to any form of sexual fulfillment unless I grant permission.
* I am a Pro Domme and I do have clients at my house, therefore you need to be ok with that
( this is NOT a daily occurrence! )
* I have an Alpha Male in my life and I will be seeing him at least once per week or more.
* You must be a gentleman