The name... get it? “Mr. E. Persone” get it? “Mister E. Persone” get it? ... mystery person... ah forget it! Big fan of the use of DUCT TAPE in videos. Previously a member here under a different user name, my videos & playlists are still on here under "unknown". Attempted to grow the community over at BoundHub however the ridiculous upload policy has driven me away from there as trying to get any decent content to share over there is like pissing in the wind. But here... bah gawd there be gold in them there hills! So here is the deal, I get a lot of friend requests and due to the abundance of decent content here I am able to be a little bit more particular with who I grant access to. So when I go through my friend requests here is my process: 1. If you don't have videos, I won't accept. 2. If you have low quality content, I won't accept. 3. If you have weird content*, I won't accept. *Not into scarf bondage, foot play/tickling, hardcore BDSM dungeon or Japanese bondage (not a race thing jus
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