Listening to music, camping, hiking, fishing, swimming, skiing.
The Boondock Saints, Ancient Aliens, Supernatural, Ghost Adventures, Hoizer Files, The Dead Files, The Walking Dead, The curse of oak Island, America Unearthed
Hard Rock, Metal, Grunge, Alternative Rock, Classic Rock, Southern Rock, Rock & Roll, 90's Hip-hop & anything 80's. Favorite band of all time is Pink Floyd. Also a big Eminem fan.
The classics... Moby Dick, Dracula, The Time Machine, War Of The Worlds, Sherlock Holmes, Frankenstein, Phantom of the Opera, ETC.
Real natural boobs. Nice Ass, hips and legs. True beauty is more then just looks. A good attitude, sense of humour, wide taste in music, intelligence and also caring. Pussy & ass licking/eating. Being teased. Foreplay. Bottom only Transwomen.