I must say I understand the main reasons of what happened here. I'm against mi nor content and videos where the models are badly treated. I'm also against animal cruelty, even if it's a little fish. I understand that it is not a good thing to share too much of the models creations, for ethical and economic reasons (the models need to earn their life, like each job). However where I think I disagree, it's that it isn't a bad think that some of the videos from X model get shared publically, because it can give an idea if people might like the content from that X model and then encourage to purchase more from her/him. So to me it seems too radical, but I agree with the main reasons behind it, mostly if it's about respecting the models for their work by not sharing all of their work to a large scale and specially if they do not want it. To me it would be a good thing that some of their work gets shared, but that's only my point of view and I fully accept if the creators do not want that. Happy end of year folks!