Uploading disabled
As OzymanAbsolution stated in his post, It's not possible anymore to upload here because of a new policy. Next year one has to prove identification before you can upload. I'm not going to do that so It looks like my journey here on PH has come to an end posting wise.
I do have a profile on Porn-T-Rext (without -) but I won't post the link here. PH isn't keen on useres posting links to other sites (or possibly even naming them). Could be that I also join another site but I'm not sure about that yet. For now this will do.
Feel free to send me a message with questions or site suggestions that I could look into. If you don't get a reply It's because your profile is bugged. Profiles that only have limited info won't show up in messages or notifications. (same for comments under this post) Just so you know.