Heyyy I'mma post some smut I wrote with my friend(1/2)
Alfred found himself curled up in his nest in immense pain, it was a cool beautiful autumn day in August and he was missing it because of heat. He'd been unable to board the flight the day before because of his current predicament and thus couldn't attend the meeting. He knew his brother, Matthew, found himself in the same predicament, as their heats synced. He let out a hot breath, a quiet pant. It was something no one seemed to notice, the sent in lookalikes to meetings during their two months of heat. This was to insure they never missed anything important in world meetings that they missed because of heat. This also aided in the illusion that they were both alphas, and they both knew it did. They were lookalikes could mimic everything about them: from how boisterous Alfred was,to how unnoticeable Matthew was. There was only one thing the lookalikes couldn't mimic: body language. Ivan had begun getting suspicions that Alfred wasn't actually at the world meetings during the months of July and August. He'd started noticing the slight difference in body language between Alfred and his lookalike. As soon as lunch break started, he decided to test his suspicion to see if it held up. He called Alfred while keeping the decoy in his sight. When Alfred picked up and said "hello" in a shaky tone, the decoy didn't move a muscle. He immediately knew his suspicion was correct, now all he needed to know was why Alfred was doing this. He confronted Alfred with this information and asked the simple question of "Why", to which he didn't get an answer. After not getting an answer, he told Alfred he'd be at his house soon. He didn't give Alfred a choice about it. Alfred would have to face the music when he got there. Ivan left the room after leaving a small note excusing his sudden leave with a bullshit emergency in his country. It covered that he would not be there for the rest of the meeting and to call him if his opinion was needed on something. After leaving he started for Alfred's house. Soon enough the Russian was at Alfred's doorstep, knocking on the door. After a few minutes without answer from the American, he let himself in. He was more impatient than he normally was, he just wanted to get to the bottom of this. Immediately after he opened the door he was hit with the heavy sweet scent of an omega in heat. He obviously hadn't thought this through fully, he realized this as soon as the scent. He'd only been able to hold back his urges because he'd trained himself around his sisters. He walked in and closed the door behind himself. He went into the kitchen and grabbed an ice pack before heading up to Alfred's room. He knocked on the bedroom door as to make the American aware of presence. He wanted to give Alfred a few minutes to compose himself before he entered. CREAK!! In the time Ivan had given Alfred, he'd his ears and tail in his normal respective hiding spots for them. The door creaked opened and Ivan peered into the room. "Amerika where are you?" He called out into the clean, but seemingly empty, room. He did his best to ignore the sickeningly sweet smell that radiated of the small American. "I don't want to invade your private little area without your knowledge, so give me a hint at where you are ." he said in a soft tone, his words tailored to avoid angering or scaring Alfred. They were also tailored to keep Alfred from discomfort when he showed in front of his nest. He now fully understood why Alfred wasn't attending the meetings in July and August. There was a quiet weak whimperlike hiss from a small closet on the adjacent side of the room to Ivan; his statement was almost immediately followed by it. The small response indicated Alfred had heard him and didn't want to talk, but also wasn't sure if he wanted Ivan to leave. Ivan walked in and crouched beside omega, essentially getting down to his level. "I'll take care of you until you're out of heat, but I would like an explanation in return." Ivan says using a soft tone to keep him from running or anything of the sort. He gently pressed a hand on Alfred's forehead to check his temperature. "Lay back in your nest and use this to cool your temperature" He said, handing Alfred the ice pack he'd grabbed a few minutes earlier. Alfred just gave a small and quick nod, not liking being taken care of, let alone by his sworn enemy. After Ivan had left the room, he laid back and rested the ice pack on his forehead softly. Ivan came back after a few minutes with Alfred's scent blockers and heat pills[this was to help Al get comfortable while also making it easier for him to control all of his alpha urges. Two birds with one stone if you will]. He wanted to make sure his urges didn't interfere with how he cared for the poor panting mess that was America. He handed the scent blockers and heat pills to Alfred, along with a cup of ice water to wash the heat pill down. "I'm going to make you something to eat. Amerika, what would you like?" At first there was no response from Alfred, but after a few minutes he managed to mumble "NNothing..." He moved the ice pack off his forehead as he sat up. He put the scent blockers over his scent glads before take a sip of the ice water and swallowing the heat pill. The tall Russian was slightly taken aback by the response."Bullshit. Tell me or I'll find out by asking England. But of course, I'll keep your little secret~" He purred in a teasing tone, rolling his rs. He was sincere in his promise to keep Alfred's dispute his teasing. "AArtie never took ccare of mme when I wwas llike this... TrTry ssomeone else bbud" Alfred managed, giving Ivan a sly smile. He wasn't going to tell Ivan who to contact. He wanted to give the alpha a little hell. Ivan let out a slightly low growl after he didn't even get a hint to who he should talk to, but sighed, deciding to try Francis. After all, he knew the two's history with one another."I hope he knows..."He mumbled to himself before texting the Frenchman. He left the room and went downstairs. Soon he got an answer and cheered to himself quietly, he'd been correct to try Francis. He looked around the kitchen, only to find Alfred only had stuff to drink. He immediately knew there was something wrong with this. He made his way upstairs and into Alfred's room again. "Alfred!" He'd dropped all formalities at this point, no longer calling the other nation by his human name. "Alfred, answer me this: Have you been starving yourself?" No answer came from the omega. "Alfred answer me"Ivan pleaded, trying not to sound desperate. This earned a quiet response, too quiet to make out. "Please repeat that a little louder? Please?" Ivan didn't care if he came off as desperate at this point. He crouched down to Alfred's level, now only centimeters from the nest. Alfred flinched, thinking Ivan might hit him or something of the like. The tone in Ivan's voice sounded like malice to the disoriented omega. "No, no, no... I'm not going to hit you or anything... just please tell me what you said. I would just like to know:are you starving yourself. I just want to be of help dispute my teasing" Ivan said in his calming and soft, yet serious, tone. "FFine... bbut why does it concern you? Y You want to use iit to mmake me ffall, ddon't yyou?" Alfred had begun crying at this point. "No.... Alfred I care about you, more than you could know. As for why I care I can not tell until later. And I would not like to watch you fall as you would like to watch me fall. Are you or are you not starving yourself"Ivan tried to reveal any of his feelings towards the small omega as he talked. He was trying to comfort Alfred without touching him; though he wanted nothing less than to wrap his arms around Alfred and whisper sweet nothings to him. "II don't wwant to see you fall llike you ththink I ddo... And I am starving myself"He mumbled. "I will be off to get you food. I should be back in about thirty minutes."Ivan informed the smaller. "Please lay back in your nest and rest the ice pack on your forehead. Please try to get some as well. I will wake you up once your soup is done,or if you like, as soon as I get back." Ivan said as he stood up once again. He was trying not to be intimidating. "DDon't wake me until you're done" Alfred mumbled shakily, before doing as he'd been told. Ivan nodded before leaving for the store. About an hour passed before Ivan returned[He'd walked to the store and decided he'd make the soup from scratch]. Upon his return, he made his way to the kitchen and started making the soup. It took him a good hour or two to finish the soup.[[He's an ambitious bastard this chapter. Deal with it :3~Jane]] After finishing it and making a bowl, he went up to Alfred's room. He walked in and made his way to the omega's nest before speaking. "Wake up you silly American" he purred playfully. He set the bowl of soup down on the floor beside himself before playfully rubbing his cheeks. This earned a whinelike groan from the Omega. Alfred started pushing the Russian's hands away from his face. He whined something in a different language, rolling over. "Нет,wake up. Your soup is done, so get up. You don't want cold soup, now do you?" This was an unnecessary question, as he already knew the answer to it. [*No] The American blinked awake and sat up. The icepack had rolled out of his nest already. He felt a cold flash hit him so wrapped a heavy blanket [ which he'd behind his nest] around himself, before turning himself to face the tall Russian. Ivan hummed and smiled softly. He gently placed the bowl of soup in Alfred's lap. "It is homemade, I hope you like it." Ivan said, placing a napkin on the blonde's thigh, [[ [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] ~Jane]] [[keep your mind out of the gutter, it's not going there yet ~Rainbowstar]] [[I know, I know ~Jane]] the spoon already in the bowl. "Thank you" Alfred mumbled before picking up the spoon, starting to eat the soup. He let out a purred, liking it[[Rainy it sounds like you're describing your reaction to me proposing the idea to you~ ~Jane]] [[Oh shush would you? I was on a writer's block and an art block ~Rainbowstar]]. "It's really good! I'd like you to teach me how to make it sometime. Maybe I could teach you how to make some stuff in return?" He purred. "We'll have plenty of time for that, as I don't plan on leaving until you are at a normal weight." Ivan said, gently rubbing Alfred's head. He knew the American would be ticked off by this, but this was for his own good. Alfred let out a huff, his heat made him to to argue with Ivan about this. Though it didn't stop him from being very ticked off. "and it's for your own good Alfred, so don't try stopping me. I am sure you understand." Ivan picked up talking after Alfred's annoyed Huff's and hisses of disagreement. "Whwhy do you care so much?" Alfred asked, his voice shaky as all hell.[[I love how you describe stuff. This is why I went to you RainRain ~Jane]] [[Don't flatter me like that~! ~Rainbowstar]] "I might tell you on a later date. I have a hunch you hate me so I don't think it's proper for me to disclose. Just by having this conversation, I feel I've disclosed too much" Ivan said, glancing down at the smaller male. "WhWho's tto say I hhate you? Hhate's a ststrong wword" "Not a person, it is our history" Ivan corrected. "as I was saying, it's a strong word and I certainly don't feel it towards you" Alfred didn't stutter this time. The room went dead silent after Alfred said this. Ivan needed more time to think over what Alfred had just said. "I'm going to go on a walk..." Ivan made his way to the door."Please finish the soup before I get back" he said before stepping out of the room. He closed the door behind himself and made his way to the front door. He stepped out of the house, closing the front door behind himself. He started walking out the the wooded area that hid Alfred's house from the public's peering eyes. He began his walk around the small town in which Alfred had settled. Ivan's walk lasted about three hours. When he returned, the house was quiet except for the soft purr of a Omega, the quiet sound filled the house with a homey sense. He went back up to Alfred's room to make sure he was okay and to take the bowl downstairs to wash. When he crouched down to grab the bowl, he looked at Alfred first. He found himself admiring how peaceful and innocent Alfred looked while . He shook his head to snap himself out of these thoughts, he should think of the American this way, he told himself. He then reached for the empty bowl, which was behind Alfred. As he reached for the bowl, he felt Alfred grab his arm sleepily and pull him into the nest. He felt himself be pulled into a cuddle by the smaller male. "He doesn't know who he's grabbing" he mumbled to himself, repeating it over and over again. Dispute this, he found himself slightly flustered. He started gently trying to pull himself out of Alfred's grasp, while also trying not to wake him with his movements. His efforts only caused Alfred's grip to tighten, Ivan sighed knowing if he tried any harder he'd wake Alfred up. Ivan had stopped struggling and began relaxing a little, letting himself be cuddled by Alfred "I love you Ivan" Alfred mumbled in his , nuzzling his face into Ivan's chest. Ivan blushes a bit and gently rubbed Alfred's back, he returned the feelings, but felt like expressing it when Alfred was more lucid. It didn't take long for Alfred to wake up [it was only about thirty minutes], but it felt like an eternity to Ivan. Alfred yawned quietly as he woke up, purring softly into Ivan's chest. "Alfred I'm going to go wash the bowl, then I'll come back. I have something I'd like to discuss with you" Ivan said, petting Alfred's head before he started getting out of the nest. He grabbed the bowl and spoon then left the room. He was back a few minutes later. During the minutes he was gone he'd washed and dried the bowl and spoon, then put them away. Alfred watched as Ivan entered the room and walked over to his current location. He watched Ivan sit down in front of his nest. "So.... What I wanted to discuss with you was that you said I love you Ivan in your . So I was wondering,do you have a crush on me?" Ivan watched as Alfred processed what he just said. "Uh...! ! ! !" Alfred's face contorted from calm to panicked as he began cursing in French. [*! ! ! !] "Do not panic Sunflower, for Я тоже тебя люблю." Ivan said as he wrapped his arms around Alfred gently. The nickname seemed to come out of nowhere."I think you understand why I was so Insistent on taking care of you now, да?" He looks down. "Well I'm pretty sure you understand Russian.... I've heard you speak it fluently while in my country, I mean you could've been using a translation app seeing how tech savvy you are" Ivan mumbled. Alfred shook his head, in denial. He began mumbling to himself, though not loud enough for Ivan to hear him. Then he looked up at Ivan "I thought there was no way in hell that you loved me back" he mumbled, loud enough for Ivan to hear him this time. "Would you be okay with me marking you? I don't want мой подсолнух being marked by someone else..."Ivan mumbled, he didn't want to come off as possessive because that wasn't the type of alpha he was. [*My Sunflower] "WWould this change anything?"Alfred asked, moving his cat ears and tail out of their hiding places. "Нет, it actually makes you cuter" Ivan purrs, moving closer to Alfred. "then go ahead and mark me, but if you want to mate.... Please get a condom, I'm not ready for kits " Alfred mews, taking his scent blockers off. "I will go get one after I mark you подсолнух" Ivan said as he moved to a visible place on his neck scent gland. He bit there as hard as he could then pulled away. "Did it work? And do you have any condoms here?" [*Sunflower] "that stung a little, which means it worked. And no, I'm illprepared as I never thought I'd ever mate" Alfred mews, blushing nervously. Ivan nodded and gently cuddled Alfred softly"How about we cuddle until tomorrow morning, then I'll go get some. Unless you want me to go get some now so we can mate"Ivan mews, gently nuzzling Alfred. This made Alfred relax, as he knew Ivan offering to hold off until the next morning meant he cared. As any alpha that didn't care about how Alfred felt wouldn't offer this. "No, I want you to mate with me tonight, but thank you for offering to hold off. It makes me feel more comfortable with this" Alfred said, kissing his cheek Ivan nodded a little then left to get some condoms. He was back about thirty minutes later with a box of condoms. He made his way up to Alfred's room, then noticed Alfred had moved onto the bed. "Sunflower, why'd you move to the bed?" Ivan asked, setting the box of condoms on the bedside table. "I don't want to mess up my nest Vanya" Alfred explained, looking at him. "Alright then, is there anything you want me to know before we start?"Ivan asked, opening the box of condoms. He took one out then placed it on the bed. "Well I have an overstimulation kink, but I'm a bit too tired to go longer than two or three rounds. Which due to how sensitive I am now, is about one round for you. So I guess don't stop if I cum. And I want you to avoid my hair, you can touch my cowlick next time. It's so sensitive that if you touched it now in combination with anything else you might want to do, I might " Alfred mews.[[Jane's Lenny face comment applies from here until "Smut over" ~Rainbowstar]] Ivan nodded and got on the bed, climbing on top of Alfred. He leaned down and started gently kissing, licking, and biting Alfred's neck. He knew Alfred was already in the mood, but wanted to get himself in the mood and get a small teaser of what was to come. This caused Alfred to moan and purr, shifting under Ivan's touch. Ivan hummed a little and pulled away, pulling off Alfred's longsleeved tshirt. He noticed the bandages that covered both of Alfred's arms. "Sunflower we're going to discuss this later. I want you to be able to think about your answers and not about me fucking you when we do."Ivan said, softly kissing scars on Alfred's chest. "As for now I'm going to fuck you into the bed~" Ivan purred seductively. Alfred mewled softly looking at him, his tail swaying in anticipation. Ivan took off his trenchcoat, sweater and pants off, tossing them to the side. This left him in his boxers. Alfred squirmed, shifting his hips to get his own pants off. Ivan gently took them off for Alfred, throwing them to the side as well. "Нет, Подсолнух, позволь мне сделать все. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это расслабиться" Ivan said, gently rubbing circles into Alfred's thigh [*No, sunflower, let me do everything. All your need to do is relax] Alfred blushes a little and nods, looking up at Ivan. This earned a smile from the taller alpha. Ivan gently traced the hem of Alfred's boxers and kissed his neck softly. "Before we continue, I'd like to make sure you understand that you can ask me to stop at any time and I will, okay?"Ivan said, looking at Alfred. Alfred nodded a bit and leaned up, kissing him. Ivan kissed back gently, wrapping his arms around Alfred's waist. Alfred gently grinded against Ivan, his tail swaying more rapidly. Ivan pulled away and chuckled softly, tugging Alfred's boxers off. He then tugged off his own. Alfred mewled quietly and bucked his hips against Ivan, pushing Ivan's dick inside of himself. Ivan pulled back, pulling himself out"нет, let me put on the condom as you asked me to"Ivan