Making Games, Virtual Worlds, 3d Models, also Rigging & Animation.
Simulations - Philosophy - Sex - Beautiful Things - MMD - Digital Art - NSFW Art - NSFW World Building.
What is a TV? Shows? Shows lots of cleavage at the very least I guess. What does a rabbit know? Errr... what was the question again... oh shiny object ... wheee....
Reol, BiSh, REM, Crazy Horse, Eeek-a-Mouse. To many others to list --
Sci-Fi (Phililp K. Dick) Magical Realism (Borges), Philosophy (Baudrillard, Simulation and Simulacra), .... anything risque and sexy as well. Anything as long as its not lame.
Beautiful Sexy Things, Shiny Things, Laughing, Skimpy Slutty Fashion, Adventure, Nakedness, Boobs, Big Things. String Bikinis (lots). Tricks and Treats. Rabbits. Night time.
Restrictions, Mean People, Hubris, Fearful People, People who think a girl should be ashamed of her body. Clothing that is not sexy. People who blame other people for their own situations. Loud rude people. Day time. Dogs.