I hope this helps people leave porn. I just want people to fully know the peace of Jesus Christ. Genesis 2:18-24 and Matthew 5:27-28 (no sexual activity with a person of the opposite sex before promising to a lifetime together) is where I am now. When I become sexually excited by a sight, sound, scent, touch or thought of a person, I think "Jesus, these feelings are okay, but they are not okay to be caused by that. Genesis 2:24, Matthew 5:28." This helps me to be kind to my body's feelings and to keep me from the sin of Matthew 5:28. I love everyone who sees this profile, and I have prayed for everyone who sees this. I hope you will explore and learn my happiness of thinking this way. Acts 10 in the Bible is where my happiness begins. Let's not be afraid of not having money. Let's pray "Jesus, help us live the ways you want us to live." The faith of the poor in Jesus Christ is the most beautiful thing to me.
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