ADD ME ON SKYPE FOR SOME FUN! I CHARGE!! [email protected] HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON 😉 If you want to buy me and be your girlfriend ( as most of you suggested ) I am willing to consider it.Hi! Never be shy to PM me. Although, I do want you to be respectful when you PM me. I do not want to see "Hey, Want to see my cock?" Because I will not reply to you. So please, come up with something nice and not witty. (=I am 19, I am currently in Chicago. Staying here for a while. If you live close, don't be shy to PM me that you want to meet. Anyways, I love men and women.I am selling Shows and picturesPictures: 10 pictures 10.50 12 minute video 35 proud squirter 🙂 Shows: 10 minutes 15 dollars 30 minutes 30 dollars 1 hour 80 dollars For an hour, it is split during the day. For I have many customers.
Thank you everyone for your purchases! 😀 I will GLADLY get back to you! PM me whenever you are interested xx