One big update
besides the fact, that I really just enjoy porn. I wasn't really active, about or so and I really just want to enjoy porn on this site. So don't expect to much from me. In the past year I had to recognize that all my pics are spread out in the world wide web nowadays, but I do not want to fight this process, because I expected it. Some people maybe think: why don't you verify your account? Yeah, I could verify my account so everybody knows SHE IS REAL, but I really don't give a fuck about that. My account is about existent and with the knollege that everything that I share, get's shared, I do not have the passion to build it up more [my account]. So I won't verify my account because I think it's useless and if you think I have to proof anything, then get out of my sights. According to spread out pics: My problem was: At the beginning of my passion about porn and nudity I shared pics at many different pornsites, therefore some people took my pics and shared them. I maybe are willing enough to collect all my old pics and some new ones on this account. But this is something with a BIG Maybe. I maybe seem embittered, but I just thought about it a year ago: What can I do? All my pics are spread out... But the solution was: Just don't give a fuck. So still according to my pics: I still love my old , because I bought it for my studies and it still does a great job. So don't bother me either because I don't use my smartphone [for the most time]. Now to important stuff: I'm here to really just enjoy porn, but this is an "facebook" like environment you are able to send me friend requests and I'm trying to work through the over 300 requests. This will take a while and just maybe I accept you. Also I will share one boob picture for everyone later on.