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I am into Macro/micro F/m Giantess vore. I enjoy the thought of being shrunken down to a small size and teased and eventually swallowed whole. It is ideal that I be fully digested, but I won't go easily. I will fight hard and hopefully give my consumer indigestion. So basically I love Giantess Vore videos with really beautiful women as the Giantess. If you don't have those kinds of videos or are not into the same fetish I am, don't expect me to become friends with you.

New York
"United States"
I am a league bowler. I like to play video games, watch tv, read the occasional book, and scour the internet to fulfill my fetish.
Star Wars series of movies takes the cake for my favorite movies. In particular, I find it hard to play favorites so I picked one from each trilogy. I liked Episode III: of the Sith and Episode VI: Return of the Jedi the most from when Lucas still owned Lucas Film Ltd. I was overwhelmed with excitement with Episode VII: The Force Awakens, and I cannot wait for Rouge One: A Star Wars Story. As for TV shows, I am a huge fan of Impractical Jokers. I seriously don't know how they deal with each other.
I am really into orchestral music (Movie Soundtracks & Classical Music) and I am slightly into Pop and rock (medal and classic).
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Star Wars: Dark Lord - The Rise of Darth Vader (Legends), Star Wars Aftermath (Cannon).
I am really turned on by long tongues, large throats, and big mouths. As well as a little pudge in the midsection (it makes me think that the girl just added some new fatty deposits from the last man or woman she swallowed whole. I also like large (but real) breasts and ass. I am not picky though.
I really don't like gass passing. I don't like burps or farts (burps are ok though if I'm in your belly. It's a sign that I filled you up and you like me in there). I don't like people who think that they are superior to everyone else (You know, when you think you've achieved something good and you tell this type of person, they will find any way to down play it or diminish it. PET PEEVE!!!).
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